Adventures with Mom - Knobloch's Greenhouse
It's that time to round-up those gardening tools, roll up the sleeves and start digging in the dirt! I have to clarify-- I am NOT a gardening expert. To be honest, I am a total amateur when it comes to gardening and this is only my second year attempting my own garden. What I DO want to share, is a must-go-to place to get all your gardening goodies! (By the way, this post is NOT sponsored- I am simply sharing details as it would be a shame not to share with my local fiends!)
My point is simple. Knobloch's Greenhouse. You need to go there!
A major oasis, tucked away in the country side near Larchwood, Iowa. About a 30 minute drive for us but well worth it! Here are some of the reason's why I fell in love with this little gem..
The Drive
The drive there is beyond scenic. Especially this time of year. With the trees in bloom, the greenest grass and on the way you will see a handful of beautiful farms! It has me craving the country life so bad!!!
The massive greenhouse
This green "house" is more of a green-MALL! I can't tell you how big it is but, they provide maps in the entry way to help navigate their customers. It's sectioned off by the types of plant you're looking for. It's very organized and they have the most helpful staff if you get lost.
Kids Play ground
While I was on cloud 9, the kids were on cloud 10. They have a really nice swing set and play house were the kids can plant faux flowers in the rocks. The play area is tucked away in the far back so I felt safe walking away for a few moments. They played, I shopped and no one complained!
In case you haven't taken photos of your kids today- don't worry, there is a place for that too! Haha- The little play house has the perfect spot for the kids to show off their cuteness skills...
Flowers, Flowers, flowers!!!
The variety is out of this world. So many flowers! Possibly every kind of flower you've imagined and flowers you didn't know existed! Tall grass, cactuses, succulents, colorful flowers, roses, lilies, hanging arrangements and so many more!
Siver Dollar Eucalyptus
This one deserves a section of its own. I've never been able to find anything like this in town. I didn't even know you can plant eucalyptus. It's not only beautiful when it grows all summer, it matures so gracefully as the branches dry gold in the fall. Something you can use to decorate cakes, gifts, put on place settings or just make a dry bouquet. Pictured below is one I have from last year.
For the Garden
Now to more practical items and majority of the things I purchased that day. I came home with a-lot of vegetables and herbs. I bought everything I wanted for my garden in one stop. I purchased mint, kale, baby tomatoes, cilantro, strawberries, zucchini, watermelon, celery and dill. There were so many unique items to choose from. Even if you are an amateur like me, you will find labels and instructions on everything.
Hope you enjoyed my two cents about this stunning place and if you get a chance, take morning or afternoon and go on a little getaway with the kiddos or just take some time for yourself. And if you've never had a garden before, I hope this gives you more confidence to make one! If I can do it, YOU for sure can too!
Much Love,