Thrifted Goods
My passion for thrifting runs deep. What's not to love? Great prices, rare crowds and finding those unique items "they just don't make anymore". Thrifting therapy? Definitely! I'd go to the goodwill over the mall, any day. I am not an expert but over the years, I've noticed a few patterns and have learned a few tricks. So, here are my two cents on thrifting.
1. Set expectations low. This also applies to all areas of my life. Expectations kill joy. I've walked out of the goodwill or antique store many times empty handed. However, imagine finding that rare gem when you least expect it.
2. Visit often. I don't always have a lot of time to shop but, there are a few places that I must sneak past. The children's area, the kitchen aisle, furniture and occasionally clothing.
3. Ask for a discount. Now, I don't usually do this at the goodwill as their prices are already crazy low but, I never buy anything at an antique store without a bargain. You'd be surprised how many times the cashier was flexible with the price! I remind myself each time that the worst they can say is "no".
4. Material Matters. I usually lean toward things that are wicker, wooden, metal, ceramic, glass and quality threads. Things that tend to last or things that can be easily sanitized in the dishwasher or washer.
Fave Areas to ShoP:
The children's section is by far my favorite. Pictured are a few things I've scored: a linen dress we wore on Chloe's birthday, shoes, little pink tea cups, wooden trains and cars, storage baskets, vintage tennis racket, piggy banks... the list goes on and on. It's hard for me to pass up on hand-made wooden toys as they last forever. The trick here is simple, buy things that catch your eye and have a good structure.
I'd say the easiest area to thrift is the kitchen. I've scored: copper mugs, rattan bowls, vintage plates, wooden bowls, storage baskets (i use it to store my tea), carved wood cups, and glass galore! The one thing I am convinced is worth thrifting is glass as its always on trend. Glass jars, wine glasses and drinking glasses. The set of 4 drinking glasses pictured below was set-of-4 for $1. You just can't beat that. My trick here is to focus on unique details and textures of each item.
And some more...
A few other things I've purchased are vintage purses, raw wood, accordion wall hook, a wicker basket (used to store my beauty essentials), vintage chairs, vases, books... the list goes on.
If you are not the type:
If searching and digging is not your thing, there are so many beautifully curated shops I adore and shop at. Here are some of my favorite ladies who own shops, selling some pretty incredible vintage goods.
Suade Vintage Bag
by: The Oak Closet
Leather Sandals
by: Shop Stressed
African Picnic Basket
Still Searching...
What makes thrifting exciting is not knowing what you'll find. Here are a few things that are still on my "Wish List"...
- Vintage Levi's jeans
- Straw hats
- Children's threads
- Tooled leather bag
- Vintage rug
- Deer antler set
Hope you enjoyed this read and it gave you a snippet of inspiration. And if you've never gone to the goodwill before, hope this gives you the courage to go out of your comfort zone and give it a chance. You may walk out empty-handed or you might be pleasantly surprised.